10 Mar Looking Ahead in 2022
With three new DCP-related courses starting at Drake and two freshly hired interns (Welcome Aanika, Leah and Autumn!), we’re excited to work towards everything we have planned in 2022.Kathranne Knight’s Correspondence Project and hosting our own. We’re making plans for recruitment and guidelines for the experience. Diverse participants will share observations, recollections, and reflections on water in their lives through correspondence, sending daily communication to one another including images, written messages, videos, and voice recordings. DCP Documentary As we start to make real strides towards gathering the content for our book, we’ll work with Dylan Huey to produce a documentary and visual design for our current project. For those unfamiliar, Dylan worked with us as a photographer on Above and Beyond Cancer, and we’re excited to work with him again to document our process.
Spring Semester Courses Three DCP-related courses started this spring. Professor Dian Nostikasari returns to our project to teach a class on Environmental Justice, Professor Lisa West’s class explores Environmental Writing, and Professor Don Chibnall’s class focuses on Communicating Science. Stay tuned for more announcements on these courses throughout the semester. Interviewing Community Members We’re conducting interviews with community members in the Mesquaki settlement, Storm Lake, Perry, and Southwest IA to learn about their experiences with water quality. These perspectives will be written up into profiles and used to support the content we gather for our book. Speaking With Podcast Interns Gable Thompson and CJ Younger just interviewed Professor Dan Chibnall, who is teaching Communicating Science this spring in conjunction with the DCP. Keep an eye out for this episode in the upcoming weeks. Oxbow Project We’re drawing inspiration from